The first World Women’s Awards 2004 - Aviva - Berlin Online Magazin und Informationsportal für Frauen Women + Work im September 2024 - Beitrag vom 10.06.2004

The first World Women’s Awards 2004

"On a global scale women are more important than men. They bear many responsibilities and very rarely receive the recognition they deserve". (Mikhail Gorbachev)

The Women’s World Awards, as part of the Women’s World Forum, took place in the Hamburg City Hall on June 9, 2004. For the first time in history, awards were given to women in various categories who have had a significant impact on our world. President Mikhail Mikhail Gorbachev presented the awards honouring women for their outstanding achievements.

The winners, chosen by an illustrious international jury consisting of over 300 prominent male and female personalities, are: Whitney Houston and Dionne Warwick (World Artist Awards for lifetime achievement), Bianca Jagger for her global activities in support of human rights, social, humanitarian and environmental causes. (World Achievement Award), Nena (World Artist Award), Diane Kruger (World Actress Award), Vivienne Westwood (World Fashion Award), Waris Dirie for her sustained efforts as UN Goodwill Ambassador to end the practice of Female Genital Mutilation in Third World countries (World Social Award), Nadja Auermann (World Style Award), Iris Berben for her sustained efforts in facilitating German – Jewish understanding and her continued engagements against racism and anti-Semitism (World Tolerance Award), Ute-Henriette Ohoven (World Charity Award), Katarina Witt (World Business Award), Cher (World Arts Award), Christiane Amanpour (World Media Award), Oprah Winfrey (World Entertainment Award), Naomi Campbell (World Fashion Icon Award), Valentina Tereschkova for being the first women in space with Vostok 6 (World Connection Award).

The World Women’s Awards were presented in conjunction with the annual Women’s World Congress (WWC) which co-operates with many international institutions and organizations such as UNIFEM, CARE, DED, TERRE DES FEMMES, BICC and the GORBACHEV FOUNDATION. A host of internationally renowned personalities and experts, active in a diverse variety of areas, discuss the current problems women face from different economic, political and cultural perspectives. The 2-day congress was opened by the President of WWC Bianca Jagger. VIP guest speakers included Prof. Dr. Rita Süssmuth – a prominent German politician that looks at issues of women’s equality, Christa Randzio-Plath – Member of the European Parliament and Chairwoman of the Business and Advertising Committee, Elisabeth Rehn – the first female Minister of Defence in Finland, independent expert and author of the UNIFEM study “Women, war and peace”, Waris Dirie – a women’s rights activist and the internationally acclaimed best-selling author of “Desert Flower” and Alice Schwarzer – one of the foremost representatives of the New German Women’s Movement.

Topics covered, among others were: Gender role socialization in the new millennium, Reflections on the women’s movement – where do we stand today?, Combining family and career – the myth of the good mother, Women in armed conflicts.

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Women + Work

Beitrag vom 10.06.2004
